Good Book

I just finished reading a great book.... Refractions by Makoto Fujimura. He is a craftsman, an artist and a writer.. His book was so inspiring...I had to copy many quotes..and thoughts...and will get my own copy soon to write in it...Makoto lives in N.Y.C....and was honored for being World Magazine's Daniel of the Year in 2005. That should make you want to find out more about him....

These are some of the ideas I wrote down for myself... "creating art opens my heart to see and listen to the world around me"..... Consider the Nuances around role as an artist begins by observing the details of life around me.."... this I find so true... I love to study the tiny things.. like how leaves are attached to the stem,... or the shape of clouds.. the texture of grass... etc...

"Beauty is in the brokenness ... Beauty is in the incomplete gestures..".. I find the lost and found edges are the most beautiful in a painting... now think about that idea in life itself... lost and found edges..

"To see the extraordinary in the ordinary"... this I what I look for... and have fun painting.. .. and this statement... " we must as artists somehow bring eternal grace into our art.. so others can experience it...
If you are an artist... this book will really encourage you and make you think deeply about how and why you create...let me know if you read it...


Anonymous said…
So glad you liked the book! Looking forward to discussing it with you and others tomorrow evening.
Heather L. said…
Sounds like Ineed to read it next!

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