Tweetie Tea and Crafty Day

Went to Tea this week to my favorite Tea spot... my dear friend's Kitchen.. We try to get together to catch up on our lives, both of us are so busy ... with life.. sitting to have a cuppa is rare..and when it happens ... it is so delightful... especially during these long winter months when we are all stuck in the house... even this bird.... he sees only my friend for days... so He was excited to have someone else to talk to

Here is Tweetie...
While we were enjoying our tea and conversation... Tweetie kept up with his conversation and just got louder and louder... Like he had something to say also......

He finally joined the party... and flew over to be with us.... only he landed on my tea cup.... I wish I could have taken a picture of it...but you will have to be happy with my drawing..

There he sat... proud to be part of the group... never mind his toes were in my wonderful tasting Tea.... oh well ... how many times would a bird land on my tea cup... this was toooo precious...
Having Tea with the birds... is not all that bad... :)
Thanks dear friend for the great visit!!! and it was nice to have you join us Tweetie...
The Next day I went to my daughters house to have a craft day... We were to bring a sweater
or boiled wool jacket to embellish.... Heather would have all the stuff to do it with...
In the next blog... you will see some of that
fun day....


Carla said…
He is very proud of his flying capabilities. When the weather warms up beyond the danger level for birds, he's getting his wings clipped -- no more tea baths then!

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