Watercolor Workshop in Maine

 On July 11&12 the most amazing group of wonderful ladies gathered together in a most creative, picturesque spot in Maine to paint in watercolor.... It was truly a wonderful weekend... 
 We sat outside and some picked up the brush for the first time and discovered they had talent... wonderful
 talent.... and the joy was catching...and so penetrating.... We had lots to paint and draw, sheep, donkeys, goats... flowers... barns... chickens... and it was endless
 The ladies were all so fun to be with and their enthusiasm was fantastic!!!
 All through the time spent in Maine.. we took the paints with us...and everyone tried their hand... eating Maine fantastic food... and painting the ocean... what more could you ask for
 When not painting or sketching... we sat and just hung out with the sheep... they were so accommodating
 I met some wonderful folks...and many eager to try watercolor... which we did...and to their surprise they were really good

 There will be many painting from lots of photos I took... Maine brought out the creative juices
and it seemed to effect everyone we saw
Thanks. to all I met in Maine..It was an awesome trip!! 


Reneelynn said…
Looking forward to seeing what your paintings reveal from your visit with the sheep ;) Sounds like you had a great recharging vacation~~~~~
Anonymous said…
I wonder where you were in Maine, and if you are ever going to do a workshop here again! I'm one of the "never picked up a brush" but would love to try...

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