Finally got to go to the Farmer's market this past Sat..... and you can see I was attracted to the flowers.... Asiatic Lilies... wow... in a blue vase... stunning...must paint it.

You can just see the tomatoes on the table in the background.... there was a huge line for those... but I just had to get these colorful ones up front.... funny i work with flowers all week, and still i am attracted to them.... i bought 3 herb plants for the garden.

Emily was with me, we had fun walking the sweet street in
Zionsville, stopping to take pictures of all the flowers... Emily is the prettiest flower on the street :)

We stopped to have coffee, then found this backyard garden filled with hollyhocks... Back to the studio I did a quick watercolor on green charcoal paper... .i am off to Vermont for 2
wks...hope to paint and return with some expressions of Vermont... i will be painting with the famous artists.. Jack and Karen Winslow..... wow... what an honor!!!!!!

Enjoy the summer color !