Today I spent most of the morning putting things away for winter outside and getting ready to bring in geraniums , filling up bird feeders, throwing away things I thought I would use, but didn't... It is a rainy cold fall day... leaves coming down, wet and shiny. I took the dog for a walk just to look at the leaves left on the trees... and say goodbye to their beauty. I noticed a squirrel sitting all hunched over with it's tail curled over it's back like a warm coat.. I think he was taking a nap... or thinking about how winter will be... I must do a painting of that squirrel.
These are my newest paintings, done on charcoal paper... I love brown texture things... like pinecones, acorns , feathers... and sparrows , so I put them together.... I find when I take walks in the fall I am forever picking up acorns and bringing them home... pincones also... they decorate my shelves... such sweet little round things.:)
My most fun thing this past summer was taking care of that humming bird... what a joy it was... so that is why I just had to paint another hummer...
I hope you are enjoying the change outside as it slowly and quietly moves into winter... catch every lovely thing... It is God doing his work... creating and giving and causing all things to work for His Glory and our Good! ...